
The ftrack.connect.plugin.connect-widget hook is triggered when ftrack connect starts up and is used to register custom widgets for connect.

The hook can be used to inform the users about problems that could arise with the way ftrack connect is currently configured.

Example event passed to hook:


Expects return data in the form of a QtWidget.


Connect widget will be able to use the widgets provided as part of ftrack-connect.

An example is provided as part of the resources:

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2014 ftrack
import ftrack_api
import logging
from ftrack_connect.qt import QtWidgets, QtCore

import ftrack_connect.ui.application

logger = logging.getLogger('ftrack_connect.plugin.actions')

class ExamplePlugin(ftrack_connect.ui.application.ConnectWidget):
    '''Base widget for ftrack connect actions plugin.'''
    icon = ':ftrack/image/default/ftrackLogoColor'

    def __init__(self, session, parent=None):
        '''Instantiate the actions widget.'''
        super(ExamplePlugin, self).__init__(session, parent=parent)
        layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()

        text = QtWidgets.QLabel('This is a test plugin!')

def register(session, **kw):
    '''Register plugin. Called when used as an plugin.'''
    # Validate that session is an instance of ftrack_api.Session. If not,
    # assume that register is being called from an old or incompatible API and
    # return without doing anything.
    if not isinstance(session, ftrack_api.session.Session):
            'Not subscribing plugin as passed argument {0!r} is not an '
            'ftrack_api.Session instance.'.format(session)

    # #  Uncomment to register plugin
    # plugin = ftrack_connect.ui.application.ConnectWidgetPlugin(ExamplePlugin)
    # plugin.register(session, priority=10)